And how does this CF Design School fit into the big scheme of things?

Lemme show you.

Automate Academy helps people to guarantee their free time, their sales, and the growth of their following through automation.

But why?
Why do we automate?

When people automate, they they have the time, resources, and money to have significant impact on the world – in whatever that looks like for them.

So, what does that look like?

1. First, to guarantee free time, we automate routines.

Routine automation is infinitley more powerful that habit formation.
It’s faster.
And way more scalable.

Routine automation allows you to build entire routines and put them into place without any hiccups.

So, the perfect AM, PM, and eating routines that you’ve been trying to implement (or dreamed of implementing for years)?

Done – with routine automation.

My #1 bestselling book, Automate Your Routines, Guarantee Your Results helps with that.

2. Second, to guarantee sales, we automate all things marketing.

There are a lot of different elements that go into this.

But, where should you start? 
With CF Design School.


Because CF Design School teaches the 6-step science of Design Hacking, which allows you to build extraordinary custom funnels and web pages for optimum conversions and sales.

And, why should you learn funnel design FIRST?

Well, Stanford University and Google recently came out with studies that show that people determine the credibility of your site in less than 0.5 seconds. And over 90% of what they’re judging is your design.

So, even if you have the best offer in the world.
The best product.
The best service.
The best copy.
The best…WHATEVER!

If the design of your site sucks, then people won’t even stay on your page long enough to see what you’re selling!

So, your chances of automating your online sales goes out the window.

Using Design Hacking to design every single one of your funnel pages is essential.

Thus, CF Design School.

Once you’ve mastered funnel design?
Let’s play the funnel strategy game.

That’s where Auto-Funnel Certified comes in.
But, more on that later.

3. Okay, the third thing?

To guarantee the growth of your following, we automate your systems.

There is only so much that YOU can do.

And, in order to build out a full-fledged company that can handle thousands of customers, thousands of communication exchanges, thousands of pieces of content, thousands of follow-up emails, thousands of dollars in lead generation, and thousands more of a million things – you must automate your systems.

Build deep processes.
Build unbreakable teams.
Automate – not just outsource – what happens day in and day out.

This is when you truly become an Automator.
And you learn this by being accepted into the prestigious Automator Affluence program.

When you automate your routines, you guarantee your free time.
When you automate your marketing, you guarantee your sales.
When you automate your systems, you guarantee the seamless growth of your following.

And then – and only then – have you automated for impact.

Get started at cfdesignschool.com

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